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Automate the sendtosolona script

Nicolai Svendsen sends this fine suggestion. You can set up your VoiceOver Keyboard Commander to run the script with Option+[some key]. These steps will take you through making sure the script opens with Terminal and then through setting up the VoiceOver Keyboard Commander. Thank you, Nic!

Make sure you have at least version 3.1 of the script to avoid the "./configuration file not found" error.


  1. Locate your file in Finder, then hit Command-I.
  2. Bring up the Item Chooser with VO-I, then hit O. You should hear "Open with". If not, try typing OP, then hit enter.
  3. When focused on the disclosure triangle, make sure to expand this item with VO-Space if it is Collapsed.
  4. Vo-right until you find a popup button, then hit VO-Space to open it. In most circumstances, you will have to navigate to the "OtherŲ©" item in the popup and hit VO-Space. Now, you will be taken to a dialog.
  5. First, hit Command-shift-A to make sure you are in the "Applications" folder, then hit VO-End to go to the "Add" button which is currently dimmed.. Vo-left three times and you will hear "ReCommended applications, enable" which is a popup button.
  6. Hit VO-Space on this popup and choose "All applications".
  7. VO-left twice and you will find a table or a file browser, depending on whether you are using Column, iCon or list view. I will outline the different views below.
    1. If using Column view, you will be presented with a file browser. You will need to use the right arrow key to expand a folder, then locate the "Choose" button to select it.
    2. If using ICon view, you will be presented with a file list. You can actually use Command-Shift-U to quickly jump to the "Utilities folder" then locate Terminal by hitting T."
    3. When using List view, you can use Command-Down arrow to expand a folder, and simply navigate the folders using the navigation keys you already know.
  8. Remember to check the box "Always open with" which is found to the right of the table in which you located the file. if you accidentally hit "Add" before checking the checkbox, simply locate the "Change all" button within the "Open With" disclosure triangle. Click "Continue" to allow the change.
  9. When you have added the file, proceed to the VoiceOver Utility by hitting VO-F8.
  10. Navigate to the "Commanders" category in the utilities table, then VO-right to the "Keyboard Commander" tab and hit VO-Space to select.
  11. VO-right to find the "Enable Keyboard Commander" checkbox, and select it with VO-Space. You will be told which option key is currently selected to be used in Conjunction with your chosen keys for your Commands. By default, it is the right Option key. Simply choose "Ok".
  12. Use VO-right to find the "Keyboard Commander" table or simply hit Vo-Command-T.
  13. Vo-right to find the "Add" button. You will be placed in a blank area. here, type in the letter you want the "" file to be associated with. This can be anything you like, as long as it does not Conflict with currently existing Commands within the table. You can also delete the Command for Safari if you would like to use S to open the script, just as an example.
  14. Vo-right and you will find a "Menu button". Vo-Space to open the settings for this button, then navigate to the "Custom Commands" submenu and select "Open file".
  15. Simply locate the file again using whatever navigation methods you prefer, and hit enter on it. VoiceOver Utility might beCome busy for several seConds.

You are now finished. Simply use Command-Q to quit the VoiceOver Utility, and have fun with your new Captcha solving solution! If you have a Conflict with your selected keyboard Command, simply navigate to the Command you would like to delete and VO-right to the "Delete button". Also, you can use all Finder's navigation Commands for various folders. Command-Shift-U can be used to quickly jump to the Utilities folder in all views, narrowing the steps to navigate.

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